ingenieur Vol.84 Oct-Dec 2020 Vol 84 2020 | Page 69

● Painting , coating , and insulation ;
● Pre-commissioning and testing the installed equipment , systems and utilities to the greatest extent possible prior to integration ;
● Load out and transportation of the completed modular for site integration ; and
● Providing all mobilisations , temporary facilities and lifting aids required during fabrication and demobilisation , including removal of all temporary facilities .
b ) Typical Modular Arrangement
● Layout Arrangement – flexible with ample room for operation and maintenance , equipment removal and lifting , and practising health , safety and environmental principles .
● Quality Assurance and Quality Control – implement a quality management programme by ensuring that quality inspection , services and workmanship comply with approved project specification and classification .
● Weight Control – verify that the weight and centre of gravity of each installed component are within design tolerances . Engineering must provide an accurate weight control report for the site ’ s construction team planning and fabrication prior to weighing and lifting activities . Adjustments in design weights and centre of gravity may be necessary to reflect the overall modular weight and comply with lifting safety factors .
● Fabrication – sequence of construction engineering , shop drawing or fabrication drawing deliverables to suit the production line , e . g . steel plate cutting , subcomponent pre-assembly , blasting and painting . All necessary construction aids such as scaffolding , handrails , walkways , stairs , ladders , platforms , pad-eyes / lifting lug , universal spreader frames and rigging , additional stiffeners , temporary supports and braces and other items required for providing a safe and effective construction control . At minimum , the following criteria to be considered :
○ Structural requirements – material control , certification , dimensional control and tolerance ;
Welding – welding procedure qualification , production welding , defect repair ; and Tolerance – confirm construction dimensional control and tolerance for preassembly and components installation .
● Equipment Installation – assemble , locate and mark , set the support and footprint , pre-outfitting , associated structures , and secure the process column , rotating equipment , and skid mounted equipment on the modular decks ( level by level ) e . g . process deck , mezzanine deck , upper and top decks :
○ Installation and Operating Manuals ;
○ Construction Tool and Special Tools ;
○ Equipment Handling and Lifting ;
○ Positioning ;
○ Levelling ;
○ Pre-alignment and final alignment of equipment ;
○ Equipment loose Items ; and
○ Equipment Preservation .
● Electrical and Instrumentation Buildings ( Modularisation ) – major electrical and instrumentation equipment is installed inside the modular boxes in order to protect the electrical and instrumentation systems generation and source of power supply for distribution and transmission to pretreatment , liquefaction and utility modules .
● Piping System – maximising piping fabrication and erection , including pipe support and hanger , interconnecting piping spools , hook-up spools , penetrations through steel decks and grating , determine the golden weld and field weld work , piping alignment and connection to the mechanical and static equipment of the process / utility vessel . Piping work has to be protected to avoid damage and prevent the entry of foreign material .
● Electrical System – maximising electrical cabling installation at the shipyard fabrication phase in area of cable support and tray installation , cable pulling , termination and testing , fastening etc . Electrical protection has to be adequately applied for marine transportation such