ingenieur Vol.84 Oct-Dec 2020 Vol 84 2020 | Page 47

Previous experiences have shown that strong collaborations between academia , industry and the community are important to ensure success of a community outreach programme

Previous experiences have shown that strong collaborations between academia , industry and the community are important to ensure success of a community outreach programme

community with an introduction and experience of vegetable cultivation using hydroponic techniques as an alternative . Participants were introduced to both a DIY hydroponic system made from recycled materials and a commercial hydroponic system . In addition , the programme was one of the linkages for fostering good relations between the university , industry and the community . The programme received support from Islamic Relief Malaysia and the Malaysian Society of Agricultural Engineers – Student Chapters ( MSAE-SC ).
At the start , a short survey form was distributed to the participants to determine their current knowledge of agricultural technology , in this case hydroponics . The survey showed that only a few of the participants knew anything about hydroponics .
The one-day programme was divided into four modules . In the first module , participants were introduced to simple DIY hydroponic concepts by using recycled materials ( plastic bottles ). Participants were also introduced to various types of media which can be used for hydroponics such as coco peat and pebbles . In the second module , participants were exposed to the concepts of a floating hydroponic system . The participants were further informed about fertiliser mixtures . In the third module , participants were divided into five groups and provided with hydroponic materials which included plastic bottles and PVC pipes . The participants assembled the materials to construct a DIY hydroponic system . The objective of the third module was to teach and show the participants that they can construct their own hydroponics system once they understood hydroponic concepts . In the fourth module , participants were introduced to a commercial hydroponic system . After a short briefing on the principles of a commercial hydroponic system , participants assembled one hydroponic system . Throughout the modules , the participants compared various types of systems .
The programme ended with a closing ceremony and post-programme survey . The participants ' feedback was positive where most participants were interested in joining other programmes on agricultural technology in the future .
A community outreach programme is a valuable instrument to instil interest in STEM and agricultural engineering among Malaysian students . Previous experiences have shown that strong collaborations between academia , industry and the community are important to ensure success of a community outreach programme [ 9 ]. In the case of the Urban Agrischool programme , the community actively participated in designing and executing the programme . The cost of programme materials , transportation , accommodation and food were covered through sponsorships from industry , community and the university . It is important to nurture partnership with industry and to convince them of the relevance of STEM to the industry ’ s vision in order to get sponsorships . STEM activities are effective when conducted in small groups . Therefore , the next challenge is to