ingenieur Vol.84 Oct-Dec 2020 Vol 84 2020 | Page 46

The evening session continued with a group activity to build miniature greenhouse models with art and craft items , and recycled materials . The students enjoyed themselves building the models with some showing splendid crafting skills . Facilitators and volunteers assisted the students with their models whilst being part of the team . Finally , group presentations were held where students presented their miniature greenhouse models to their peers and judges .
Day 2 On the second day , students were divided into two groups . The first group participated in an ‘ explorace ’ activity where elements of agriculture knowledge were embedded to educate the students about seeds , planting , safety and greenhouse materials . The students explored their school to look for checkpoints while facilitators guided them to complete puzzles and games during the half-day activity .
The second group was engaged in building a prototype PVC greenhouse for their school . The greenhouse was equipped with a set of hydroponic planters with kailan seeds for the students to experience planting and harvesting for one season . All students who participated in the programme were given an activity book to record the growth of the plants and their observations on the plants until harvest as independent learning material following the programme . The programme ended with a closing ceremony and post-programme survey . Results of the survey indicated an increase in the students ’ interest in agriculture . The student feedback was positive on the Urban Agrischool programme as a whole .
Construction of bottle hydroponic
Simple bottle hydroponic
“ Reaching and teaching : hydroponic techniques as a social innovation ” was the second programme under the Urban Agrischool initiative . This programme aimed to cultivate interest and transfer agricultural technology to communities . The programme was held on October 30 , 2019 with an Orang Asli community at Dengkil , Selangor and involved about 30 participants . The objective of the programme was to provide the Orang Asli
Briefing for floating type hydroponic