Ingenieur Vol.81 January-March 2020 | Page 32

INGENIEUR ‟ It is important to keep a positive attitude of willingness to learn new things, develop new skills, share knowledge and train fellow engineers. Figure 10. BIM model of Intervention Shaft 2 (IVS2) showing the tunnels and adits know-how to grow and continue to develop in our country, we must always go back to fundamental engineering principles coupled with detailed analyses, design, risk assessment and verification processes to move forward. If we wait for others to pioneer a particular engineering design and only then do we follow, we will be suppressing our innovation and risk being left behind in terms of engineering development. a much faster construction rate at a lower cost. Figure 9a shows the view of the shaft with photo taken at the bottom of the shaft and Figure 9b shows the author inspecting the shaft. The BIM model of the IVS2 is shown in Figure 10. The biggest challenge of innovative designs, especially those that are unconventional and unprecedented in Malaysia, is not of a technical nature but rather of mindset to accept new things; usually caused by the human fear factor. It is inevitable that some questions and comments posed by stakeholders may be rooted in fear of change, namely :- 1. This proposal has not been used in Malaysia before, 2. Other parts of the world have not done this, 3. We do not have experience in this, and 4. Better not change the existing way. These comments and questions remain the most challenging as they are based on fear rather than based on technical and engineering calculations, analyses or justifications. However, it is important to note that in order for engineering Conclusion A Professional Engineer with Practising Certificate (PEPC) involved in integrated engineering mega projects will gain extensive exposure and experiences that are not commonly available. However, the work also comes with exposure to risks and liabilities linked to the challenges inherent in mega projects. It is important to keep a positive attitude of willingness to learn new things, develop new skills, share knowledge and train fellow engineers. All decisions must be based on good fundamental engineering principles and good judgement to ensure successful implementation of the project. The completion of some recent mega engineering projects within time and budget with a significant involvement of local engineering talents has demonstrated the capabilities of Malaysian engineers. As we move towards a developed nation status, Malaysian engineers should also move towards bigger and greater leading roles in developing our country. 30 VOL 81 JANUARY-MARCH 2020