Ingenieur Vol 95 2023 ingenieur vol95 2023 | Page 25

The X-ray is a medical imaging technology that has been revolutionising the field of medicine since its invention in 1895 . It was discovered by German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen , who won the first Nobel Prize in Physics for this discovery .
The X-ray works by using electromagnetic radiation to create an image of bones and other tissues inside the body . This allows doctors to diagnose diseases and injuries without having to perform invasive procedures such as surgery or biopsy . Today , X-rays are used routinely for diagnosing broken bones , lung infections , heart problems and more , making it one of the most important tools available for medical professionals .
In addition to their use in medicine , X-rays have also found applications outside healthcare , such as security screenings at airports and the inspection of welds on pipelines during construction projects . The versatility of this technology makes it an invaluable tool across many industries — from healthcare providers all around the world to engineers working on complex infrastructure projects .
The invention of X-rays has had a profound effect on modern-day society , not only allowing us to diagnose illnesses with greater accuracy but also providing us with powerful insights into our environment through non-invasive means . The X-ray is also the founding principle for CT scans , which allow us to have cross-sectional and 3D views of the body .
Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) is also a diagnostic tool used to create detailed images of the inside of the body . Unlike X-rays , which rely on radioactive materials , MRI uses a powerful magnet to change the orientation of hydrogen atoms in water molecules to create the images . It has revolutionised medical diagnosis since its invention in 1977 because it has a clear advantage over x-ray images , in its capability to differentiate soft tissues .
The history of MRI dates back centuries , with scientists first hypothesising about magnetic fields as far back as 1845 . However , it was not until 1970 that Raymond Damadian developed
Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) is also a diagnostic tool used to create detailed images of the inside of the body .