Ingenieur Vol 90 | Page 30




Power of Digitalisation - Dismantling Barriers to Connectivity

By Professor Dato Dr Ahmad Ibrahim Tan Sri Omar Centre for STI Policy UCSI University

Everyone talks about digitalisation now . The technology is spreading fast as the world struggles to resolve several pressing global issues . Few would disagree that of all the issues that are of grave concern , climate change must surely take the cake . The repercussions of an unstopped global warming are devastating . Extreme weather conditions are now felt everywhere throughout the world . Here in Malaysia , we continue to experience abnormal floods and the consequent damage to property and lives . Other countries experience super-strong hurricanes and typhoons which now happen more regularly . The expected rise in sea levels is slowly creeping into some low-lying island nations . The prediction is that our coastal cities will also soon face a similar threat . We have seen evidence of the disruption to food production because of changing world temperatures , not to mention the shifting disease patterns that are happening all over the world .

One country alone cannot solve the world ’ s problems such as climate change and more recently the covid-19 pandemic . The solution lies in collaboration and co-operation . We need to be positively connected to one another . Connectivity is the answer . But there are barriers to connectivity . Ineffective communication is one . This is where digitalisation is a good bet to dismantle such barriers . With better connectivity , the productivity aspirations of the world can be better realised .
Connectivity generally refers to connections made among parties forged through workable communication platforms . Since the arrival of the World Wide Web and the rise of mobile communications , connectivity through social media has often been described as key to the prolific rise in the global exchange of ideas . Social media has also proven to be a source of economic aspirations for businesses . Companies have tapped into the exchanges and activities made on social media to derive useful data to support their business planning and execution . This is where the power of digitalisation makes its presence felt in enhancing connectivity at the social level . The increasing role of social media in everyday life serves as the basis of such connectivity in the 21 st century .
Connectivity brings about collaboration and cooperation that generates value for humanity . It is imperative that the world continues to strengthen connectivity . In fact , it would not be farfetched to say that civilisation would be severely handicapped without functioning connectivity among people . We now see a clear demonstration of the benefits of connectivity in world trade , diplomacy , as well as economic and technological partnership . The well-functioning regional pacts around the world are clear proof of the benefits of connectivity . These include more formal pacts such as the
28 VOL 90 APRIL-JUNE 2022