Ingenieur Vol 90 | Page 29

Figure 2 : Strategic Plan for FM in Healthcare Sectors
proposition of FM as a core business function . To be at a strategic level , it should be considered as asset management ; for example , integrated FM should run its own business on a tactical and operational level . Assets and services cannot be separated , and it also involves financial instruments and cost implications .
As the COVID-19 pandemic has struck the country for the past two years , it is timely to plan a FM strategic approach in line with medical and healthcare needs . To be strategic , FM should be consolidated as a core service comparable with other core businesses . The function and roles of FM should be more efficient , focused , provide value for money services and be a value-added asset to the service quality of healthcare . The FM departments should be headed by FM managers who are competent , with skills and experience in managing FM in healthcare organisations . Adequate budgets for FM should be allocated to create more business opportunities in healthcare as it has a lot of potential for generating income . It should no longer be perceived by people and especially by higher management
as a maintenance function with small budget allocations . FM should stand on its own to make it a reputable and capable department . The FM fraternity in healthcare should embrace Industrial Revolution ( IR4.0 ) including new developments such as robotics , artificial intelligence , ( AI ), and the Internet of Things ( IoT ) which are set to be the prime tools for digitalisation in healthcare to combat pandemics .
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