Ingenieur Vol 90 | Page 22

Number of MHI Installation
Number of Installation registered with APIS
MHI NMHI Others Johor 68 29 18 9 Kedah 19 6 31 0 Kelantan 4 0 0 1 Melaka 10 8 15 5 Negeri Sembilan 18 6 5 12 Pahang 24 19 7 7 Perak 27 18 12 6 Perlis 0 0 5 1 Pulau Pinang 22 12 9 14 Sabah 22 18 18 6 Sarawak 23 10 3 4 Selangor 81 26 13 2 Terengganu 24 18 4 5 WP K . Lumpur 5 3 6 0 WP Labuan 9 8 4 0 Total 356 181 150 72
Table 2 : Distribution of MHI installation by state ( until Jan 2021 ) Source : Database CIMAH and APIS from Petroleum Safety Division , DOSH
There are three activities to be enforced for the ageing plant :
1 . Site operator self-assessment ( SOSA ) Installations classified as Major Hazard Installations ( MHI ) have the highest priority in carrying out the SOSA assessment . In addition to this , states that have a low number of MHI installations can focus on Non Major Hazard Installation ( NMHI ) and installations in the power plant sector aged 15 years and above . Table 1 shows a comparison between the number of MHI installations with those that have been registered with APIS . This comparison can be used as a reference to ensure that all installations categorised as MHI conduct SOSA assessment in APIS .
2 . Ageing Plant Self-Assessment Verification Verification audit will be conducted to ensure that all the information and assessment declared by the installation in the APIS system is legitimate . Ageing Plant Self-Assessment verification audit will be prioritised on installations that have been registered in the APIS system but have not completed the SOSA assessment . Verification audit also will be carried out on installations that have poor ratings in the system . This to ensure that the top management of the installation establish an adequate asset integrity management system .
3 . Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards ( CIMAH ) Regulations 1996 . In order to prevent major accidents and limit the consequences to people and the environment , comprehensive enforcement has been arranged for all the installations that fall under CIMAH 1996 regulations , requiring them to carry out responsible care on their asset management . Vital enforcement which includes thorough audit by the department encourage the installation to focus on better asset integrity management . This will raise the attention of the industries to develop adequate asset integrity management systems and therefore minimise the associated risk of major hazards from ageing plant mechanism as well as minimise the ageing issue .
20 VOL 90 APRIL-JUNE 2022