Figure 7 : Effective communication is essential to ensure that all necessary information , instructions , training and supervision are obtained and understood .
and understood by each worker . Co-ordination ensures that the sequence of work is adhered to , especially if it involves structural stability . Among the lessons learned from accidents that occur in construction projects is about the interface or relationship between two organisations or workers . The contractor should establish the mode of communication between his manager and the PEPC on how information is conveyed and updated . In many instances , during an accident investigation , the contractor and PEPC produced different sets of design drawings !
Among the interfaces that need to be considered are communication between the contractor and the PEPC and communication between PEPC and DP ( Concrete ). For example , the contractor should ensure that the design brief supplied to the PEPC covers all important aspects . The scope of the design that does not come under the PEPC , such as the ground condition ( soil condition ), must be ensured by the contractor to be suitable . This is because the PEPC design usually assumes that there is no backfill at the site of the falsework structure and the surface profile is flat . Another example is that the DP ( Concrete ) needs to make sure he understands the design drawing supplied by the PEPC . The DP ( Concrete ) must understand the significance of the information , to ensure that all design conditions are met .
Best Practice # 5 - Inspection and supervision
The fifth best practice is inspection and supervision . The general requirements of
BOWECS require a PEPC to certify that formwork and falsework construction are safe . To carry out this purpose , the appointed PEPC has an overall responsibility to ensure the safety of the formwork and falsework , particularly that there are no errors , omissions , misunderstandings and cost or programme pressures , which could jeopardise the safety of the formwork . The BOWECS Regulations also require DP ( Concrete ) to carry out supervision during installation and make thorough inspections , especially after installation is completed and during concrete pouring . Nevertheless , the overall accountability is still borne by the PEPC who certified the formwork and falsework to be structurally safe . The use of permits to load / unload can help the contractor and PEPC to ensure that work can only proceed with authorisation .
Figure 8 : Proper inspection can identify defective components and formwork and falsework are used according to the design assumptions and limitations .
In addition to these legal requirements , BOWECS regulations oblige the PEPC to supervise the construction of the formwork and falsework structures he designed . He is also responsible for the stability of the structures . In this case , the design of formwork and falsework should include drawings , design details , specifications , bills of quantity and calculations . The main purpose of the formwork and falsework inspections is to ensure that the installation follows the design specifications and the structures are used within the permitted limitations and assumptions . Inspections of the formwork and falsework assemblies should include inspections of components that have normally been reused from