information important ? The first reason is that the PEPC who design formwork and falsework is usually less familiar with construction site activities and conditions , and most likely never visited the site before a design contract is awarded to them . The second reason is to ensure that the contractor understands and is clear about the real requirements of the falsework in its construction activities . The design information , or design brief , should be clear and available to facilitate the preparation of designs , calculations and drawings . This will also enable decisions to be made easily during subsequent phases of work . Some aspects of the design brief that need to be emphasised are :
1 . the condition of the site or ground on which the formwork and falsework will be erected ;
2 . the availability of formwork and falsework materials and components for use ; and
3 . the existence of permanent structures to support eccentric loading that may be applied to formwork and falsework structures .
Apart from that , the design brief must also state the constraints and limitations that exist at the project site . This design brief should be prepared as early as possible to give the PEPC sufficient time to design , check the availability of materials , conduct a risk assessment and prepare a safe work procedure . Sufficient time
Figure 6 : This design brief should be prepared as early as possible to give the PEPC sufficient time to design , check the availability of materials , conduct a risk assessment and prepare a safe method statement . Sufficient time is also important to allow the PEPC , if necessary , to revise the design . is important to allow the PEPC , if necessary , to revise the design . On the part of the contractor , time should be given for them to review the design that has been prepared by the PEPC , especially the concept , adequacy , validity and compliance to legal requirements and good engineering practice .
Best Practice # 3 - Roles and responsibilities
The third best practice is on roles and responsibilities , specifically clarity on the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved in a project , in every aspect , work and phase of the project . This division of responsibilities is very important to ascertain who is responsible for what . It is also important to ensure that the contractor has sufficient workers to comply with every legal and contractual requirement and for all parties to agree on the division of responsibilities to avoid duplication of responsibilities or unassigned responsibilities . In adhering to this agreement , the main contractor , as the entity with full control over a construction site , should manage , monitor and co-ordinate each worker at each stage of the work phase .
The main contractor should also make sure that the PEPC , DP ( Concrete ) and sub-contractors appointed have carried out the agreed and prescribed duties and responsibilities . The duties and responsibilities stated in a contract should not be of lesser scope or override the duties and responsibilities stated in the legislation . For example , although the duties and responsibilities for ensuring the safety of the workplace regarding formwork and falsework are borne by the contractor , the PEPC , as the designer of this structure , also has the responsibility to ensure that the design is carried out using safe engineering practices . The designer must also conduct any necessary test and inspection , and prepare the information , including risk assessment of the formwork and falsework being designed . These duties cannot be transferred to another party and the designer is accountable at all times .
Best Practice # 4 - Communication and co-ordination
The fourth best practice deals with communication and co-ordination . Effective communication is essential to ensure that all necessary information , instructions , training and supervision are received