Ingenieur Vol 80 ingenieur 2019 octoberfinal | Page 72

INGENIEUR of growth is still nonetheless desirable. As long as big drone companies continue exploring new sources of revenue generation, this will naturally boost growth. Power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and sensors AI, Virtual Reality (VR) and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensors are some of the technologies that will radically transform the drone industry. AI assists in analysing the huge amounts of data captured by drones. Convergence of drone technology with Machine Learning and AI will help infrastructure managers identify quality defects, malfunctions, or inventory shortages much faster than any other method. This would require AI-based analysis. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data integration has also emerged as an interesting area to look out for this year. Workflow integration of drone data and devising new enterprise asset management systems are also to be expected. International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Assembly elects New Council for a three-year term. (Source: ICAO) The 40 th Session of the Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organisation completed the election of its new Council today. The 36-member Council is the governing body of the Organisation and is elected for a three-year term. The election process was divided into three parts, with the following States elected: PART I - States of chief importance in air transport Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States. PART II - States which make the largest contribution to the provision of facilities fo r in ter n a t io n al c i v il air n av ig a t io n Argentina, Colombia, Egypt, Finland, India, Mexico, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, and Spain. PART III - States ensuring geographic representation Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, the Dominican Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Greece, Malaysia, Paraguay, Peru, the Republic of Korea, Sudan, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, Zambia. 6 70 VOL 2019 VOL 80 55 OCTOBER-DECEMBER JUNE 2013 Interesting Facts about Planes and Flying (Source: AEROTIME EXTRA) The world of commercial aviation is still a complex and mysterious place. There are many odd things about flying that most passengers don’t know. Here are some things you might want to know: a. Airplanes are lightning-proof - it’s totally understandable that there are some who couldn’t help but secretly freak out over the fact that the plane that they’re on might crash at any given time because of circumstances. For instance, getting hit by lightning - the truth is, airplanes get hit by lightning on a regular basis and no plane has ever crashed because of lightning since 1963. Airplanes are well-engineered and are designed to become lightning-proof. b. One of the deadliest airplane accidents actually happened on the ground. In 1977, two fully loaded planes carrying a total of over 600 passengers collided head-on in the middle of the runway in what is now known as the Tenerife Accident, named after Tenerife Island where the accident occurred. Over 500 people died. c. The bathroom door isn’t really locked when you’re inside. You can unlock lavatory doors from the outside because this allows flight attendants quick access to locked lavatories in case of emergencies. In other instances, it lets the cabin crew restrict access to bathrooms during takeoff and landing. d. Some airplanes have bedrooms that only the crew has access to. There are flights that would take around 15-16 hours and for the crew to avoid getting over-fatigued, they can get a little rest in the secret bedroom. The bedroom contains about five to ten beds that they can access via a hidden staircase. e. Most pilots and co-pilots on major airlines are not allowed to eat the same food to avoid the possibility of food poisoning sickening the entire flight crew. f. Passengers usually have no appetite for airplane food. It turns out it’s not actually the airline’s fault. The reason why airplane food tastes really bad is that the