the potential of productivity , Embarking on green growth , Translating innovation to wealth , Enabling industryled Technical and Vocational Education and Training . 6 The green element is vital and has been defined as : Growth that is efficient in its use of natural resources ,
Chemical plant clean in that it minimises pollution and environmental impacts , and resilient in that it accounts for natural hazards and the role of environmental management and natural capital in preventing physical disasters . ( World Bank )
The challenge remains to localise , mainstream and promote ownership and partnerships . From the perspective of the manufacturing and process industries , particularly the Malaysian chemical sector , the opportunities and risks need to be addressed considering Malaysia ’ s own
REFERENCE development strategy in addressing the three pillars of sustainability . The roadmap by WBCSD is a good reference point and can be tailored to suit the Malaysian scene such as biodiversity richness , bio-based resources and renewable energy and an agile and talented workforce .
A worthwhile point to note as well , in the case of Malaysia is that while many big players such as multinationals and their local principals are already on board , it is the small and medium enterprises ( SMEs ) that need to be helped . This is where SDG # 17 plays a key role in cementing partnerships across all stakeholders . A possible model to follow is the quadruple helix model to get cross sectors participation to happen .
The education sector also needs to prepare inter-generational human capital capable of delivering the solution thinkers and innovators who understand the holistic vision of sustainability . Training of ‘ sustainability-centric ’ minds and skill sets can be achieved both through formal and informal medium . The new mode of learning provides an excellent platform to give training on sustainability related agenda from awareness to specialist subjects through online courses and microcredentials . The practical aspects should be duly included as the nature of SDGs are an action and solution-based approach .
However , we need to be mindful that mainstreaming the sustainability agenda should go beyond hard science and technological innovations . The adoption of sustainable development practices must be accompanied by concerns of social responsibility and ethical behaviour lest we leave behind a world less fortunate for our future generation .
1 . Subramanian , Meera ( 21 May 2019 ). “ Anthropocene now : Influential panel votes to recognize Earth ’ s new epoch ”. Nature . doi : 10.1038 / d41586-019- 016415 . PMID 32433629 .
2 . “ What is Natural Capital ”. www . naturalcapitalcoalition . org . Natural Capital Coalition .
3 . Steffen , W ., K . Richardson , J . Rockström , S . E . Cornell , et . al . 2015 . Planetary boundaries : Guiding human development on a changing planet . Science 347 : 736 , 1259855
4 . SDSN ( 2020 ): Accelerating Education for the SDGs in Universities : A guide for universities , colleges , and tertiary and higher education institutions . New York : Sustainable Development Solutions Network ( SDSN ).
5 . https :// www . wbcsd . org / Programs / People / Sustainable-Development-Goals / SDG- Sector-Roadmaps / Resources / SDG-Sector- Roadmaps
6 . Malaysia SDG National Voluntary Review 2017 , Economic Planning Unit .
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