ingenieur 2021 vol86 April-June 2021 | Page 19

Figure 3 – WBCSD Priority SDGs for the Chemical Sector ( Source : https :// www . wbcsd . org / Programs / People / Sustainable-Development-Goals / SDG- Sector-Roadmaps / Resources / SDG-Sector-Roadmaps )
SDGs targets will provide many opportunities for provision of inclusive and sustainable products and services . Indeed , the chemical sector can make significant impacts and create economic value by giving attention to several do-able choices such as usage of raw materials and energy resources , development and adoption of green process technologies and reduction of pollution risks . This in turn will cascade into promotion of social progress and act as engine for economic growth .
The World Business Council on Sustainable Development ( WBCSD ) has initiated several action plans to pursue the SDG goals for the business community . The Chemical Sector SDG Roadmap by WBCSD seeks to explore , communicate , and help realise the potential of the chemical sector to leverage its influence and innovation to contribute to the SDG agenda . 5
It has been suggested in the Roadmap that in addition to many steps already undertaken through the Responsible Care ® programme , the chemical sector can contribute towards SDGs through effective management of its operational footprint , enhanced capacities through collaboration through its value chain and unlocking potential new markets in the process .
Further , the complexity and diversity of the chemical industry necessitate the prioritisation of the SDGs which itself has many interconnections . These ten goals suggested by the Roadmap are as shown in Figure 3 . The Roadmap identifies key impact opportunities across three broad areas of product innovation to process improvement through to innovative public-private partnerships . The opportunities have been grouped into five thematic concerns , namely , food , water , people and health , energy , and infrastructure and cities . 5
The Case for the Malaysian Chemical Process Industry
Malaysia has underscored many elements of sustainable development goals since the 1970s as is evident in its five yearly national development plans . Building upon this process of institutionalising many aspects of sustainable development , Malaysia has put in place a concrete governance structure with the National Council on SDG at the apex and trickling down to local levels to make a real impact . The game changers directly relevant to the manufacturing sector including the chemical process industry are : Unlocking