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It is strongly encouraged that people with diabetes who are interested in low carb eating seek personalised advice from an Accredited Practising Dietitian ( APD ) experienced in diabetes management . An APD can help to ensure an eating plan is safe , enjoyable , culturally appropriate and fits into a person ’ s lifestyle . Other dietary approaches can be just as effective in managing type 2 diabetes . This is also recommended in the Diabetes Australia position statement on low carb eating .
What ’ s the evidence on low carb eating ?
For type 1 diabetes ...
There is little evidence to say low carb eating is the way to go for type 1 diabetes . The research is often completed over a short duration ( 12 weeks or less ) with small participant numbers and often mixed results . Those who have completed advanced self-management programs and / or have regular contact with their diabetes healthcare team , however , can follow low carb eating safely and effectively .
For type 2 diabetes ...
This is where the debate is strongest . Again , the research is often completed in short duration , but many studies have greater participant numbers . In recent years , some longer-term studies ( 6-24 months ) and systematic reviews have shown reliable and supportive evidence for low carb eating for type 2 diabetes . This is backed up by the American Diabetes Association ( ADA ), recent consensus reports ( 2019 Nutrition Therapy for Adults with Diabetes or Prediabetes and 2022 Management of Hyperglycaemia in Type 2 Diabetes ) and Diabetes Australia ’ s Position Statement . All acknowledge low carb eating for type 2 diabetes is safe and useful in :
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• Lowering BGLs / HbA1c in short-term
• Managing weight
• Reducing cardiovascular disease ( CVD ) risk factors
© Dietitian Connection 25 Infuse | May 2023