Infuse Issue 7 March 2019 | Page 21
Diet and lifestyle choices
Knowing that many adults are likely living
with risk factors for heart disease such as high
cholesterol, then the importance of a good
diet and lifestyle choices is important. Dietary
patterns linked to lowering cholesterol levels
include ones that are high in fruits, vegetables,
fish, wholegrains, legumes, nuts, plant sterols
and soy foods. And for those with persistently
high blood cholesterol, then cholesterol-
lowering medication is also a consideration.
The role of plant sterols
For someone with high cholesterol,
then including more foods high in plant
sterols (or phytosterols) can be an
effective way to help lower cholesterol.
Plant sterols have a chemical structure
similar to that of cholesterol and are able
to reduce the absorption of cholesterol
in the digestive system. Vegetable oils
are the highest natural source of plant
sterols, with smaller quantities found in
nuts, legumes and cereal grains.
article continues overleaf...
© Dietitian Connection
Infuse | March 2019