Infuse Issue 21 December 2023 | Page 18

Rethinking CVD risk
In the first update in over a decade , The Heart Foundation led the development of the new Australian Cardiovascular Disease Guidelines and Risk Calculator on behalf of the Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance . The revamped guidelines introduced a significant change in the way cardiovascular disease risk is assessed and managed , complemented by a modified risk calculator for more accurate estimations .
Go Med & save money
Research from the University of South Australia showed the Mediterranean diet is not only good for your health but also for your weekly budget , saving a family of four $ 28 per week ( or $ 1456 per year ) compared to the typical Western diet .
Rise in research around ‘ chrononutrition ’
A growing body of evidence suggests circadian rhythms interact with nutrients and influence physiology . New models are being developed to study these connections as sustained disruptions to circadian rhythms have been linked to many chronic illnesses and memory issues .
CSIRO Healthy Diet Score report released
Australia ’ s national diet falls significantly short of the Australian Dietary Guidelines , with an average score of just 55 out of 100 , revealed in the CSIRO Healthy Diet Score report . It found only 35 per cent of the population is eating enough vegetables and that alcohol , takeaway food and confectionary dominate diets .
Long-term effects of the low-FODMAP diet
A review of the literature on the low- FODMAP diet for patients with irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) showed the diet can be effective , safe and sustainable . The main difficulties reported were the higher expense and adhering to the diet when eating at restaurants , with family and friends , or while traveling .
Postpartum depression risk reduced with Mediterranean diet
A cross-sectional survey suggested adherence to a Mediterranean diet could reduce the risk for postpartum depression . This study adds to the growing body of research showing the importance of diet in managing and treating postpartum depression .
© Dietitian Connection 18 Infuse | December 2023