Infuse Issue 21 December 2023 | Page 17

Plant power continues
Vegetarian and vegan diets are linked to lower levels of cholesterol and lipids in the blood , according to an analysis of all the evidence from randomised trials published since 1982 . Compared to people eating an omnivorous diet , those following a plant-based diet had an average reduction in total cholesterol levels of 7 %, a 10 % reduction in LDL cholesterol levels , and a 14 % reduction in apoB levels .
Manipulating diet to impact inflammation
A study examining the link between fatty acids , diet quality and plasma concentrations of inflammatory markers added to the body of evidence illustrating the role of diet in modulating inflammation . The authors confirmed a positive association between saturated fat intake and inflammation with inverse associations between MUFA and PUFA intake , Mediterranean diet patterns , and inflammation .
Sweeteners in the spotlight ... again
Media headlines swirled in July about the possible carcinogenic nature of aspartame . The cancer research arm of the WHO , the International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) released their official report saying aspartame is possibly carcinogenic to humans ( Group 2B classification ) on the basis of limited evidence for cancer in humans . The Joint WHO and Food and Agriculture Organization ' s Expert Committee on Food Additives ( JECFA ) determined safety is not currently a concern at the commonly consumed amounts . As a result , the JECFA did not change their previous recommendation for acceptable daily intake .
Low-fibre diet in pregnancy may affect brain development
Data from the Japan Environment and Children ' s Study suggested low-fibre diets during pregnancy may increase the risk of neurodevelopmental delays in children . More than 75,000 mother-infant pairs were included in the research where groups with the lowest intake of fibre had higher risks for delayed speech , fine motor skills , and problem-solving skills .
Cost of living crisis demands affordable nutrition
Figures by the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed that grocery prices increased on average 8 % year on year , with some categories rising much more . In good news , fruit and vegetable prices appear to be decreasing .
© Dietitian Connection 17 Infuse | December 2023