So , Jaime , who do you think would get the most out of reading this book ?
Anyone who ' s interested in intermittent fasting and looking for a long-term health strategy , and anyone who is interested in using intermittent fasting for specific health concerns . I go into much more detail with the use of intermittent fasting and specific health concerns in the book and there ' s a huge reference list at the end for anyone who wants to read further on the research .
The other thing is I love cooking , but I ' ve got two little boys – I don ’ t want to spend too much time in the kitchen . In the book , I ' ve got more than 60 recipes based on foods we can all get from our local supermarket that are really quick , easy to make , nourishing , yummy and satisfying .
To wrap up , what ' s one thing that you would like dietitians to remember about intermittent fasting ?
Consider intermittent fasting as one of the clinical tools you can use in your toolbox . It isn ' t for everyone , of course , but there are some patients that will really benefit from it . Be open to trial and error and encourage flexibility . Be really mindful about meeting nutritional quality within that eating window as well . Obviously , nutritional quality is incredibly important .
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