You need to be really mindful about meeting nutritional requirements . When someone goes onto an intermittent fasting regime , they might miss a big chunk of their daily fibre intake and get constipated . That ' s an important consideration in practice for dietitians when suggesting an intermittent fasting regime .
Congratulations on your latest book , The 16:8 Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle Plan . What was the inspiration for writing this edition and the previous one ?
The previous one I thought was such a valuable health tool that had some really good evidence behind it . In the time between the first book and writing the second book , there was some more really good research that came out – but I also observed many people throwing in the towel , so I started thinking about what I can do to make this not a diet and make it work for people long-term . That ' s where this whole concept of the lifestyle plan came in … showing people how they could use it , flexibly , so they ’ re always doing some form of intermittent fasting and getting the health benefits from it , but not being so rigid that it really impacts their life .
Above : Jaime promoting her latest book on the Today show . Image courtesy of @
jaimerose _ nutrition
Supplied courtesy of Pan Macmillan
“ You need to be really mindful about meeting nutritional requirements … That ' s an important consideration in practice for dietitians when suggesting an intermittent fasting regime .”
© Dietitian Connection 28 Infuse | May 2021