Infuse Infuse 10 December 2019 | Page 11

for nutrition evolved. I was always very into health and human development at school and as soon as I had to pick what course I wanted to go into, I saw nutrition and dietetics, there wasn't even a conversation. I just knew that that was what I was going to do. I thought I was going to be a sports dietitian. But that is not the route that I ended up going down. Where did you start out when you first became a dietitian? I started looking at jobs and none of the jobs seemed attractive to me. And it was actually a struggle. I knew I didn't want to apply for any of the graduate positions. I ended up setting up a private practise in Acland Street in Melbourne. I housed myself inside the two medical practises that were on that street and I built up a thriving little private practise that I loved. I was also helping Nutrition Australia with their corporate wellness initiatives. Slowly my interest in business started to grow. From there, I launched a corporate wellness company called Corporate Nutrition Melbourne. I recruited about 30 dietitians to run nutritional seminars, and cooking demos and one- on-one consultations at workplaces throughout Australia on my behalf. My passion for business continued to blossom and from there, I enrolled in a Master’s degree in entrepreneurship and innovation. "My passion for business continued to blossom and from there, I enrolled in a Master’s degree in entrepreneurship and innovation" Images courtesy of Kara Landau article continues overleaf... © Dietitian Connection 11 Infuse | December 2019