Infuse 3 March 2018 | Page 7

That’s why we began Dietitians’ Day – a small celebration of our profession – five years ago. It was a chance to bring dietitians together in person, so new connections could be forged and ideas shared. Today, this “small celebration” has evolved into Dietitians Unite, a packed room of eager attendees who are ready to share, be inspired and strengthen their network of relationships. We have three tracks this year – clinical, business and foodservice – and nearly a dozen incredible speakers from different walks of life. This foundation of relationships helps give us the courage to try new ideas, expand our thinking and gain expert insight when we make decisions. Relationships also go both ways, and enable us to support, motivate and encourage those who call upon us for help. The end result? A rich network of relationships that work in glorious harmony to help you grow and flourish in your career. So: “relationships” it is. Expect to hear more of this word from us as 2018 unfolds – and know we are ever grateful for the relationships we’ve built with all of you through DC. I, for one, expect to wrap up the day with many new relationships forged, and existing relationships strengthened. Thanks for being part of my web of relationships. DC wouldn’t exist without you. Speaking of relationships…we firmly believe that, despite all of the incredible technology available today, face- to-face meetings remain crucial for relationships. Maree “relationships” P.S. As you all know, I am Jamie Oliver’s #1 fan, and the fact that he’s our cover story this month is a testament to the value of relationships. Go on, skip ahead now and read all about the incredible work his Ministry of Food has been doing in Australia. © Dietitian Connection 7 Infuse | March 2018