Infuse 3 March 2018 | Page 6
From the Desk
of Maree Ferguson
Founder & Director, Dietitian Connection
o you have a word of the year?
For 2018, our team set out
to find a word that would
capture what we wanted to achieve
– a word that we could turn to for
guidance if we found ourselves at a
crossroads, or losing focus.
We landed on “relationships”. In
fact, we landed on it in the midst of a
team-building workshop at Christmas,
when we were creating floral wreaths.
Our floral instructor spoke passionately
of the “relationship” that the various
elements of the wreath had with one
another – bold elements and subtle
filler, sprigs of seasonal greenery
and standout flowers. All, working
harmoniously to create a single result:
a glorious centerpiece.
We walked away with the word firmly
stuck in our minds. Relationships
are what the Dietitian Connection
community is built upon: supportive and
nurturing relationships with professional
colleagues, that help us all grow and
be inspired.
© Dietitian Connection
Infuse | March 2018