Infuse 3 March 2018 | 页面 22

I could appreciate why: at that stage, FRANKIE4 was operating at a loss, and sucking every cent of profit out of our podiatry clinics. But I distinctly recall this person telling me that if I continued with FRANKiE4, we would be so broke, we would have to sell my son Max’s high chair. I cried that night…a lot. I felt embarrassed and stupid that I spent so much time on something that was ultimately putting my family at financial risk. My husband told me to have faith in my shoes, and to think of all the positive feedback we receive from our patients. I woke at around 2 a.m. that morning, and scribbled from top to bottom, on a white board, all the numbers/ costs, ideas, strategies and forecasts that would give me confidence to keep going with this brand. When my husband woke, I went through it with him. We high-fived, rolled our sleeves up and kept going. It’s safe to say today that Max’s high chair is safe and the business is profitable. © Dietitian Connection How do you continue to innovate and keep ahead of the field? My footwear is all about hiding the support and cushioning in what looks like a fashion shoe. So I'm ALWAYS looking at women's feet. Market research is an everyday occurrence for me: finding women that present well, and seeing what type of styles they are wearing, help me consider my next styles. Being innovative is perhaps the easiest part of my job. I am never satisfied with the range, and I’m always looking for ways to improve. It just means each season is always better then the last. I’ll quit the day it isn’t. 22 Infuse | March 2018