Infowriters4_2018 InfoWriters nr. 4 din 2018 | Page 5

INFO WRITERS A HEALTHY MIND IN A HEALTHY BODY Our project with 6 part- ners from different countries such as CZECH REPUBLIC, LATVIA, LITHU- NIA,ROMANIA and TÜ- RKİYE are aiming at raising awareness and lessening the physical and psychologi- cal problems of people be- cause of unhealthy life. The sentence "An active life and healthy diet provide the basis of health." used in the campaigns of our Health Min- istery has been our starting point. Actu- ally all the problems that we have are directly re- lated to our minds. It is stated by most of the psychologists that some emotions can deeply harm us. For example Dr. Arthur Barsky writes : “We ‘burn’ with anger, ‘tremble’ with fear, feel ‘choked up’ with sadness; our ‘stomachs turn’ with revulsion. Everyone tends to experience unpleas- ant emotions as unpleasant bodily symptoms and thus to feel physically distressed when emotionally dis- tressed.” "A HEALTHY BODY CAN LEAD YOU TO A HEALTHY MIND – AND A MUCH HAPPIER LIFE." For this reason, we used this title for our project : " A HEALTHY MIND IN A HEALTHY BODY". We be- lieve that we have the pow- er to change negative thoughts and feelings into positive, rational, motivat- ing thoughts, and in doing so, help create a healthy mind in a healthy body. OUR OBJEC- TIVES WITH THIS PRO- JECT Social consciousness and awareness will be raised by arranging educa- tional activities with this 3 project. The necessity of do- ing sports and regular diet will be emphasized and transfered to the young gen- eration. Moreover, the importance of the power of the brain, leading a healthy life by do- ing sports and activities, lan- guage skills, awarenes of individual differences will be provided with the project. Furthermore, the project will enable us to cooper- ate with dif- ferent coun- tries, learn intercultural relations and respect to other cul- tures. Besides, this project will help us solve this health and mind problem, raise an awareness, cooperate with our partners and form a healthy generation for the society. Teacher Latife Çelik Alaşehir Fen Lisesi