Informational mailer - Referendum 2021 | Page 2

Three referendum questions explained

Referendum 2021 includes two questions to renew levies to fund operations and technology that would not increase taxes but would extend current funding while supporting student learning . The operating levy in Question 1 was initially approved by the community in 2007 , and renewed again in 2011 for taxes levied from 2012-2021 . The capital projects levy was initially approved by the community in 2011 for taxes levied in 2011-2020 .
By asking the community to weigh in now , the school district may be able to avoid cutting resources beginning in the summer of 2022 if the community decides that the questions on the ballot are still priorities in the school system .
Renewing the two levies for learning increases the likelihood that the school district will maintain school district services , programs and resources :

QUESTION RENEW operating levy1

Question 1 renews 9.3 % of the school district ’ s general budget , which would maintain the current level of instruction and instructional support , transportation and pupil support , school building operations , school and district administration .

QUESTION RENEW capital projects levy2

Question 2 enables the school district to maintain technology tools and resources to support learning in the classroom . This includes computers , broadband infrastructure and networks , and audio enhanced classrooms across the school district . Recent surveys indicated that 84 % of community members believed the ability for students to use computers and other technology was essential or very important .


QUESTION INVEST in a new operating levy
The school district can only invest in a new operating levy if voters also approve Question 1 . If the new operating levy ( Question 3 ) is approved , Anoka-Hennepin would be able to continue mental health , social emotional and academic support for students initially provided through one-time federal funds in response to the pandemic through June 2033 . Currently , the one-time federal funding would only sustain support through the 2022-23 school year .