INFONegotiation Dialogue Social | Page 4

FESETE Collective Bargaining Activities Activities Textile, Collective Wool, contracts Knitting Clothin , g Others (1) Plenaries Sector Negotiation Meetings (Formal and informal) Shoe Tannerie s Cordage and Networks 5 3 1 1 1 27 9 2 2 7 Conciliation and Mediation Meetings 3 Technical Meetings / to Support Union Bargaining Committee 3 Meeting at Companies 13 Laundries and Drycleaners (2). Hats totals Table 2 - Sectoral activities directed to the collective bargaining in 2015 General Initiatives 11 1 49 1 4 1 9 6 18 5 Meetings at General Confederation of Portuguese Workers 2 2 Meeting leaders of Regional Stewards and Workers 17 Completed negotiation of the Collective Agreement Yes Totals 68 23 5 1 Yes NO NO(3) NO NO Yes 12 8 4 8 7 1 8 116 (1) In these sectors came into existence two Working Collective Agreements negotiated with the National Association of Manufacturers of Wool and Household Textiles and another with the Portuguese Textile Association (2) We have started the Enterprise Agreement in the SUCH company. (3) Although it has not been formal negotiation of the collective labor contract, wages have been updated by 1% since January. 4. From the set of the 116 activities recorded in Table 2, we highlight 11 sectoral plenary of our unions, which ensured a monitoring of processes of negotiation and decision-making as wide as possible. Given the prolonged blocking of negotiations on Laundries and Drycleaners imposed by the employers' association, ANASEL, it was decided to move forward together with other trade unions, with the negotiation of an Enterprise Agreement (EA) for SUCH company, having been held five meetings in 2015 , although it has not yet reached an agreement. FESETE/CGTP-IN - Av. da Boavista - Nº 583 - 4100-127 - Porto Telef.: 22-6002377 - Fax 22-6002164 - email: [email protected] - portal: Organização filiada na CGTP/IN e na Federação da Indústria Europeia - IndustriaLL 4