Collective Bargaining Activities
The assessment of wage developments are the result
from the average of the negotiated salary all over the
year. In 2014 there was an update of the National
Minimum Wage (NMW) with effect from October 2014. In
other words, the average salary of the year includes this
effect but only in 4 months (10 months with the
negotiated salary and four months with updated NMW in
groups with values below NMW). In 2015, the average
annual salary is higher than it was due to the effect of
NMW of 505 € in the 12 months. In sectors where most
workers earns low wages, the NMW update to 12 months
has a more significant effect.
From the point of view of sectoral collective
bargaining, we see wage update in CA of
Wool, Home Textiles, Textile and fibers,
Tapestry - ANIL and ANIT-LAR with effect
from the 1st September in the Apparel CA and
hat of CA with effect from 1 January 2015. the
Tanneries have an interim update 1% not
published the salary scale.
Considering that in 2015 the inflation rate was
0.5%, the purchasing power is improving.
The wide range of activities aimed at the sectoral collective bargaining and company level are recorded
in Table 2, which contains a record default of sectoral trade union activities, since our affiliated unions not
informed us of all his activity in this important work front. So, are shown in Table nº 2 only the activities
coordinated directly by FESETE.
All the activities recorded in Table 2, have a significant
weight associated to the expiry process promoted by
ATP: the termination of this process with the workers,
the public, the Government and the parliamentary
groups in the National Assembly; the worker information
on the rights enshrined in the CA and the appeal to
exercise and demand the application; technical and
legal assessment of the expiry process having as
anchor, the decisions of the Constitutional Court on the
institute of expiry, its consequences and the legal value
of the CA rules, in particular clause 2 - Duration and
Termination; the vast number of negotiation meetings;
informal and formal including meetings with the Board
ofTextile andconciliation meetings in DGERT; concertation union positions and negotiating with SINDEQAssociation
UGT, analog expiry prosecuted; preparation of motions types of texts and undersigned to be approved and
signed by the workers denouncing the forfeiture proceedings and requiring the maintenance of rights of CA.
With the inauguration of the new government of the Socialist Party, we sent a statement to the Minister of
Labour and requested a hearing, which did not take place until the end of 2015.
On 23rd December the ATP requested the Government to Notice of publication on the date of expiry of the
collective agreement negotiated with FESETE; 2015 ended without the government publish the notice.
All activities carried out in defense of the CA and the rights of workers that are consecrated without ensuring
the end of the conflict promoted by the ATP, were decisive for the workers arrived at the end of 2015
enjoying the bulk of their legitimate rights and to gain confidence for continuing their fight in 2016.
FESETE/CGTP-IN - Av. da Boavista - Nº 583 - 4100-127 - Porto
Telef.: 22-6002377 - Fax 22-6002164 - email: [email protected] - portal: http://fesete.pt/portal/
Organização filiada na CGTP/IN e na Federação da Indústria Europeia - IndustriaLL