Indy Boomer 2014.pdf May 2014 | Page 24

Hamilton County TV was born four years ago during a conversation between Jim Wafford, owner of Logan Street Signs & Banners and Rick Vanderweilen, owner of Channel 19-Hometown TV. Rick was concerned that if Channel 19 went off the air, there would be no public channel for the local area. The concept was to have a web-based, family-friendly, local community channel. Jim Wafford began the task of creating that concept for local High School Sports, live events, locally produced programming, content fit for a general audience, and Video-on-Demand. broadcast of programming. Two dedicated channels: classic movies and TV shows, and a second for the local favorite Sinisterly Bad Theater. Over the past three years there have been many changes. Now the channel(s) are available to watch on any Internet connected device all the time, plus HCTV is available on Roku streaming devices. As of this Spring (2014), five dedicated school channels have been added, which promote school and studentproduced content. Since it was to be a Hamilton County based web-TV channel, it was important to have Hamilton County businesses involved. By partnering with MyNetWire, now located in Fishers for the website design, and Imavex in Noblesville for their content delivery and streaming services, Hamilton County TV was created. In April, 2011, Hamilton County TV went “live” on the web with 3 channels. One channel was a constant A smartphone app is available at the Google Play store ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2013 went live. Available for listening on phones, tablets, etc. using the tuneIn app, available at This year, kick spring off right. And kick spider veins and varicose veins to the curb with help from VeinSolutions. Now is the perfect time to make sure you step into next spring with comfort and confidence. It all starts with a free screening at VeinSolutions. VeinSolutions offers minimally invasive, effective treatments for spider and varicose veins. Best of all, treat Y[