Industry Magazine Commercial Kitchen Fall 2016 | Page 5
Feature story
Exponential Organizations
Technology WILL Change Your Business
Letter From The Owner
Life of a Counter Person
The Trouble with Transformers
Welcome to Beyond the Kitchen Door Magazine!
There are a lot of factors that go into a successful service
business. Whether it’s a food service business like many of our
customers, or a field service business like Commercial Kitchen, we
are all in the service business.
Prioritizing: 9
The one key factor that applies to all service businesses, however,
is the impact your people have on your brand. It is critical to put more
Why You’re (Likely) Doing It Wrong
focus on the people aspect of your brand, because your people are
your brand. A bad brand experience is far more difficult to overcome
than a bad product experience. You can ship a new product, but
4 Great Leadership Lessons From the Arts
you can’t ship a new experience! Similarly, in a restaurant, it’s not
too hard for me to forgive bad food if I’ve received stellar service,
Energize to Optimize
but it’s really hard for great food to overshadow a horrific service
experience. Think about putting more time and thought into exactly
Gain Peak Performance
what type of service experience your workforce is providing.
Do you see an area for brand improvement? Read on…
Take a high-level look at your hiring practices. Are you hiring well or
Less is More
taking what you can get? I’ve done both over the years and I assure
Both in Business & Life!
you, the latter is almost always painful. No matter what position
you are filling, be more selective when it comes to character and
personality than skill set, because skill set can be learned. Will new
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