Who or what has been your biggest inspiration in life?
Strong women who have made a difference has been my inspiration. An excellent example is Eleanor of Aquitaine (12th c) - a woman before her time. When she was Queen of France, she participated in the Second Crusade. She was a powerful Queen of England, and as Queen Dowager, was regent when Richard participated in the Third Crusade. Point being, one can do anything one sets their mind to - gender does not matter - if you are qualified, you can do the job.
Where is your favourite place to write?
My home office. The walls are decorated with science fiction memorabilia, from Star Trek to Star Wars, with autographed photos of Captain Kirk and the crew of Deep Space Nine and Stargate SG1.
When writing, I have period movies playing in the background, which puts me in the era. I have a bookcase full of DVDs - some very difficult to find, given the genre - not only Hollywoodese but European imports as well.
Some of my favorites are: “King Arthur”, “Centurion”, “Last Legion”, “The Eagle”, and “Black Death”.