What advice on self-publishing would you give to aspiring Indie authors?
My advice is plain and simple. "If you ain't having fun writing a story then nobody will have fun reading it." As for the self-publishing part of the question; I've worked under a contract before and then switched to self-published Indy. Why? I love the freedom from publisher's restrictions as well as the larger share of profits from the books. If an author has a driven and impatient attitude (coughs) and an easily bruised ego, (coughs.. coughs) then Indy is the ONLY way to go.
When you finish a book and it is ready for publication: How do you celebrate? Coffee or Alcohol?
I've published 15 books and 30 years worth of newspaper journalism. To this day, I have never successfully finished anything I've written. Don't get me wrong, the work/story is complete but never to my full satisfaction or to a point where I can say "this is done." For this reason, I've never celebrated finishing anything written. If I ever do I think I'd get drunker than a skunk in a perfume factory.. HA