Do you have a set routine for writing or do you start a project and find that you can’t stop until it is finished?
I'm a set routine author most of the time. 6-10 AM is about average. Later in the day I'll go back and edit what I've written with (sometimes) destructive results. HA. I can bang out 3000 words of a morning then destroy over half before dark.
Have any real life events inspired any of your stories?
All life's events are the inspirations for my writings. In the previous question, you notice I stop writing about 10 AM and don't return until later in the PM. That time frame is when I experience life then write about it later.
Do you have a favourite book or character that you have written?
In my Mystery series I have one favorite character "Catfish." Several reviewers mentioned him and readers are always telling me how much they enjoyed his presence in the stories. The only description I have for Catfish is to ask potential readers if they remember the TV western, Gunsmoke, and the character Festus Hagen. Festus and Catfish are very similar personalities and contribute deeply to each story.
Charles E Wells