India Basin Equitable Development Plan (EDP) | Page 27

Final Environmental Impact Report approved ; CEQA certification for park renovation
Interim activation events begin on site with BVHP community
Remediation portion of the project breaks ground
Start of construction at 900 Innes site
EDP Leadership Committee meetings and focus group sessions begin
San Francisco voters approve Prop A , which provides $ 29 million for the India Basin project
Publication of EDP , the first of its kind in San Francisco ; EDP implementation begins
900 Innes complete ; Start of construction at India Basin Shoreline Park
local levels , including grants from the EPA , the State of California , the Bay Restoration Authority and the City and County of San Francisco . The development agreement for the 700 Innes project obligates the developers to pay the full cost of design and construction for India Basin Open Space and Big Green , as well as to establish a Community Facilities District to support the Recreation and Park Department ’ s long-term maintenance costs for these portions of the Park .
Although significant financial investment has been secured , the India Basin Waterfront Park project is not yet fully funded .
Project partners are committed to continuing resource development throughout the lifespan of the project , in coordination with the aforementioned project partners . More funding is needed , not only to complete all phases of park construction but to fulfill plans to invest in the community ’ s health and stability beyond the park boundaries ( See Appendix D ). The
Project ’ s remaining fundraising goal at the time of publication is $ 50 million and includes at least $ 10 million for the implementation of EDP initiatives .
The Park Project commissioned a study by fundraising consultant CCS , a national firm that has supported philanthropic campaigns by the National Museum of African American History and Culture , Jazz at Lincoln Center , the National Urban League and the Presidio ’ s Tunnel Tops ark . The study research included data collection , predictive modeling and analytics , approximately 34 strategic donor conversations , eight additional community member discussions and an online survey which was completed by 460 respondents . The study indicated that 92 percent of interviewees had a very positive perception of the project , while 96 percent believe that the fundraising campaign goal is achievable . Furthermore , 70 percent were willing to make a gift and 60 percent were willing to help fundraise .