India Basin Equitable Development Plan (EDP) | Page 28

EDP Leadership Committee
The India Basin EDP Leadership Committee , made up of more than 20 community members , is led by the A . Philip Randolph Institute San Francisco . The Leadership Committee efforts have been supported by the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department ( RPD ), the San Francisco Park Alliance , the Trust for Public Land and Gustafson Guthrie Nichol , landscape architect and park design lead . The Leadership Committee has expressed and reaffirmed that BVHP residents are fiercely passionate about retaining their culture , identity and sense of pride in their neighborhood .
Park planners consult with the Leadership Committee regarding interim activation and community engagement strategies . Interim programming at India Basin began in Summer 2019 . The interim activation planning process has included collaboration with local community organizations , event planners and small businesses .
Throughout 2019 and amid the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 , more than a dozen specific equitable development planning meetings were held in an array of formats , including lectures , discussions , panels and field trips . Meetings featured City or community leaders , who were compensated for sharing their time and expertise , neighbors and peers .
The EDP Leadership Committee was tasked with facilitating a community-drafted plan and roadmap that sets forth a series of transparent strategies and commitments to be honored by RPD as well as partner agencies .
Goals of the Equitable Development Plan
• Support the development of the India Basin Waterfront Park ( referred to in this document as the “ Park ” and inclusive of 900 Innes , Shoreline