Independent Artist Magazine October/November 2013 | Page 7
a max of 3 - otherwise you’ll look spammy, and you’ve only got 140
19. Use trending hashtags - Monitor trending hashtags - you can
see trending tags for the world, and for geographic areas. When you
see a trend that relates to your business, engage in that tweet chat by
using the tag, and retweeting other people using the trending tag.
20. Use campaign specific hashtags - Create your own tweet community by using campaign, or even business specific hashtags.
Promote these as a way for your customers to engage with you and
others on Twitter. For example, if you’re running a Twitter contest,
use a contest specific hashtag so everyone who enters can connect.
21. Use general hashtags - When you want to extend the reach of
your tweets, seek out common hashtags that relate to your tweet
topic. For example, if you are sending out a message about your
store’s newest location, include the location name as a hashtag.
22. Search for Tweets with business related keywords and hashtags
- Do searches for relevant business words (such as your company
name). Keep on top of mentions of you and your products on Twitter. Find new hashtags to engage with too.
Use Best Practices
23. Be informative - When you are posting on Twitter, or any social
media site, remember the 80/20 rule. Post 80% of your content
about lifestyle or information; post 20% of your content about yourself. Tweet information related to your products - but not just your
24. Be original - Tweet a lot of your own original content, or other
content that would be of interest to your customers.
25. Be inspiring - Tweet quotes of inspiration to connect with your
followers. Quotes are some of the most retweeted content on Twitter.
26. Tweet your blog posts - Write teaser summaries of your blog
posts, and link them back to your site.
27. Tweet about breaking news - Twitter is commonly used as an
instant way to get the news. If there is a global news story, and it
relates to your business customers, tweet the news to your followers. Or, get really creative, and be the first to tweet the news, with a
branded spin.
28. Ask questions - Questions open up dialogue, and poise challenges to your Followers. Use them as a way to engage and get responses
and retweets. This spreads your business brand too.
29. Use images - 36% of links shared on Twitter are images. Include
them in your posts, to get your tweets shared, and get more followers.
30. Use videos - Twitter is becoming more and more video friendly.
Use short Vine videos, or embed other videos, to further connect
with your market.
31. Repeat your most popular tweets - Track what tweets are getting
the most interaction. Send them out again, at different times. Reword them to keep your Followers engaged.
32. Keep it short - Make your tweets under 140 characters. This
makes them easier to share with RT’s, MT’s (modified tweets) and @
33. Ask for RT’s - To get your tweets retweeted, go ahead and ask
your Followers to RT. Asking for a RT gets a 12x’s higher retweet
rate, than tweets with no ask.
34. Ask for Retweet’s - Spelling out retweet, and asking for a
“Retweet” results in a 23x’s higher retweet rate.
35. Don’t auto-tweet - Don’t get into the practise of posting the same
update to all of your social sites. You can share the same topic, but
don’t post it exactly the same. An update on Facebook will read
different than an post on Twitter.
Also, if you are using a Tweet scheduling platform, monitor what
you’ve scheduled if a major incident happens that’s related to your
36. Don’t rapid tweet - Don’t incessantly tweet to your Followers.
They really don’t need to know what you are doing every five minutes. Tweet a few times a day, but time out your tweets throughout
the 24 hour cycle. (I’ll comment later on when to tweet.)
37. Be a great writer - You only have 140 characters, which means
to write succinctly on this site. Get your message out without using
a lot of words. Create wit, and write with clarity. (Ok, I love Twitter
for this word challenge! I sometimes write out a tweet, and then
rewrite it 5 times before I send 1 out. Yes, I’m a word nerd! But it
works, try it yourself.)
38. Be a great headline writer - Ok, you really benefit on Twitter
from being able to write great headlines. Twitter’s character count
kinda means every tweet you make is a headline. Make it catchy and
attractive to your followers, and you’ll get retweeted to their followers, and so on and so on. Those followers will start to follow you too.
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