T r e n t
W h i t e
Trent White ( Bass / Keys ): When I was born , my family generally listened to a lot of country . Myself , I have never been to acclimated to that particular genre , so I suppose I had a bit of a late start with my music career . It all pretty much started with my sixth grade music teacher , Mr . Brookshire ... who handed me a pair of drumsticks and told me this is where I needed to be . Needless to say , after several years of playing music in school , it was obvious to me that it all was a little too boring . I lacked the motivation because I didn ’ t feel like I was being challenged . So I inevitably decided to drop out of that class , around thirteen years of age . I eventually , about the age of fourteen , decided my own path of musical preference with bands like ; Senses Fail , Mewithoutyou , The Blood Brothers , Chiodos , The Spill Canvas , Emery , A Static Lullaby , From Autumn To Ashes , From First To Last , Norma Jean , Silverstein , etc . It wasn ’ t until I started listening to this kind of music , the sort I feel most inclined to , that I actually started to have that natural affiliation towards music . I eventually ended up buying my first guitar at the age of fifteen . At this point in my life , I decided to start multiple bands , about six or seven , over the course of a few years . Now , these bands definitely had a great deal of variation , but it was all around the same typed of influences , the bands I felt the strongest connection towards , that gave me my drive to play music . I never really played any shows for money , mostly birthday parties , or small get-togethers and even playing on the street for lunch money , but it was always about having fun . Spending time with my friends and playing the kind of music we love . None of the bands really had any intentions of actually doing something big , but it was the kinship that we had for one another that really kept us going . It was about the time that I turned seventeen , when I ended up breaking that guitar and for some reason I stopped playing music altogether . Dealing with family issues , the need to be financially stable , and to further myself academically , drove me into a direction away from my dreams for quite some time . It was for those reasons that I ’ ve never really played a lot of shows or been able to jam out with any notable bands , however , my love for music has always remained . Actually , it wasn ’ t until recently , 2012 , when I ran into an old friend from high school , Kip Newby , that I decided to pick up a guitar again . About a six year lapse . He told me about a project that he had been working on , ended up inviting me to a few shows ... and well , here we are now three months later . Playing shows all over the Midwest and doing what we love . The biggest part about what really makes this all work , in my personal opinion , isn ’ t our musical talent ... but more so , our friendship and our diversity , that brings all of our energy into one sound , one defining tune that has a little bit of all of us and whole lot of our souls . Honestly , even if we ’ re not making money , as long as I get to play music , spend time with my awesome friends , and hear people ’ s cheers , I could do this forever .