Independent Artist Magazine June/July 2013 | Page 37

Kip Newby ( Guitar / Vocals / Drums ): from as far back as I can remember music has been who I am … when I was a little kid I recall making up songs all the time , I first started writing songs when I was in the 2nd grade my grandpa had given me an acoustic guitar and even though I really didn ’ t know how to play it I would set and play what sounded good and just make up words . It was during my 4th grade year though that I went to see my dad ’ s friends band play that I became overwhelmingly inspired to play music . When we were at that show they took a break and I went and started playing a beat on the drums and they started playing with me , later that night I went home and learned my first six songs on guitar , that Christmas I got a bass and started playing in bands and played my first show at the schools talent show that year also went and seen the pixies perform and that ’ s when I truly knew that I wanted to play music as a career . I then ended up playing in several different types of bands from , fusion jazz , punk , pop punk , alternative rock , grunge , garage rock , metal , classical , folk , and hard rock . I also helped teach composition and music theory classes as well as cello and upright bass in orchestra in high school , also went to victor Wooten ’ s summer music program as a bassist , as well as ran my own booking agency in high school , but more importantly I stopped playing bass and started playing guitar ( and drums for a punk band ). And with the starting of playing guitar I started a band my freshmen year called Garden . Now this was the band where I found my sound and learned a lot . We went on a full US tour and got to play with bands such as : Gwen Stacey , My Chemical Romance , Locksley , The Designer Drugs , the Hives , At the Drive in , and so many other bands that were big or went on too become successful , we were close to signing with a major label and had people flying over from Europe to see us play it was crazy , but at last I choose to take my son from my careless ex and she chose to destroy everything I had worked so hard for , and I was left at square one , I sat in my house for a few months not sure what to do , then I realized I ’ m far from done , and started going out and playing open mics in the tri state area by myself . Until I ran into Bradley walker , who ended up coming alone with me on my acoustic open stage touring . Until one day when we decided we might as well form a band and that ’ s when Ecstasy was born . We began immediately by playing all over the tri-state area and continue to do so . We got to play some pretty cool shows and do some radio interviews . Then we picked up Trent and things picked up even more , now were ready to take things to the next level and continue moving forward and making this band our livelihood / income / career and lives . And take it as far as it can go !

K i p

N e w b y