Londonʼs most famous live music venues the Doverstreet Restaurant and Bar .
IAM : How do you rate your
live performance ability ? Honestly I am a great entertainer . There are always ways I can grow as a performer and I learn from every show . Every time I perform I give all of me . I leave my heart on the stage . I know how to work a crowd , which is important because I feed off my audience . I love what I do and I know that shines through . When you have audience members coming on stage to dance with you , you know you are doing something right . I am a real singer , not just a studio singer which I am proud of . I work hard to keep up with my skill and to hone the gift God gave me .
IAM : Art and music has an impact on both young and old . So what advice do you have for the youth of today ? Art and music does have a great affect on our youth . It is not the artists job to censor themselves based on how the music may influence the youth . That is the parents job . I believe the youth need to be educated that art is a form of expression and sometimes should not be taken literally . Art and music should truly inspire and make you feel . I would say to young kids today that their choices are what shapes them . Soak in the music that inspires you and enjoy the music that may challenge you , but know that art can also be a description of struggle and hardship and that we are all human and nobody is perfect .
IAM : Tell us about your next shows and why we should be there ? I am gearing up to sing the National Anthems ( American and Canadian ) in a couple of weeks for the Memorial Cup which will be Nationally televised . The memorial cup runs from May 17th to May 26th and I will be performing 2 of the nights .
IAM : Any final thoughts ? We are also currently working on my next show which will be in my birth city of Saskatoon . The dates , time and venue will be posted on my website at www . hunnybentertainment . com so stay updated . Reason you should come is to get the true HunnyB experience . The live way is the best way and I now you will be thoroughly entertained .
Melissa “ HunnyB ” Veszi ’ s www . hunnybentertainment . com
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