third of the cost of
this project at $13.3
million. In addition, the
Borough is mandated
by the DEP and the
Allegheny County Health
Department to eliminate
the failing on-lot systems
on Coal Valley Road. The
estimated cost for this
project will be $4 million.
The West Elizabeth
sewershed, which serves 680 customers, is required to construct a
new and larger wastewater treatment plant. In addition, the Borough
is being mandated by the DEP to install a new pump station and
equalization tank on Rt. 837. The total cost of these projects will be
$5 million. The Borough’s portion will be
$3.8 million.
The Borough will keep our residents informed as plans for the
DEP mandates go forward and rate increases are necessary to
upgrade our sewer system. Gateway Engineers has compiled a more
comprehensive report on this topic. See it on our website under
"Information for Residents."
Drop Off Medicine Box
in Police Department
Helps Residents Dispose
of Unwanted Meds
The Jefferson Hills Police Department (JHPD) has
taken possession of a “medicine drop-off box” that
has been installed in the main lobby of the Borough
building, just outside the police department. The
medicine drop-off box was supplied through a partnership with the
Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, the Pennsylvania Commission
on Crime and Delinquency and the Pennsylvania District Attorneys’
Association that provides grants to facilitate the installation of secure
and permanent prescription drug drop-off boxes installed throughout
The purpose of the box is to allow households and residences to
remove expired, unwanted, or unused medicines from their homes to
help reduce the chance that others may accidentally take or intentionally
misuse the unneeded medicine. Area residents are encouraged to use
the box, which is available to drop off medicines during hours that the
Borough Build