IN West Jefferson Hills Fall 2016 | Page 53

For the past few years our fourth grade teacher, Mr. Dobos, has had his students participate in The Hour of Code. This nationally-recognized movement helps to teach students the background coding that goes into creating video games and other advanced technologies. In an effort to give our students some additional background knowledge in the earlier grades, we purchased a number of new resources for the 2016-2017 school year. In kindergarten, they will get to use Bee Bots. These robotic bees have buttons on the top of them. The students will learn how to program the bee to move along trails and through mazes by pushing directional buttons. First grade will use the board game Robot Turtles. In Robot Turtles, the students have to use paper directional cards to plan a course for their turtle to move through different adventures. Puzzlets, which will be used in second grade, takes this to the next level using an iPad app and a cloud-shaped game board. Students place directional tiles on the game board and they watch their character on the screen react to their commands. Third grade will use the free app, Scratch Jr., on the iPads. This app puts everything together and allows the students to create their own characters and stories and manipulate their movements using directional codes. We also purchased OSMO kits for the iPads which comes with a variety of hands-on activities incorporating Math, Spelling, Logic, and Art. There is also a coding kit for OSMO that students can use in any grade level. And we couldn’t leave Mr. Dobos’s Science classes out. For their electrical circuit unit, we purchased additional kits that the students are going to love. Students will get the opportunity to build circuits in more ways than ever before with the addition of “Squishy Circuits”, “Snap Circuits”, “Draw Circuits”, and “Sticker Circuits”. We really look forward to all of the amazing new technology that our students will get to experiment with this year as we prepare them for the future. West Jefferson Hills | Fall 2016 | 51 W E ST J E FFE RSON HI L L S SC HOOL DI ST RIC T NE WS — M CCLE LLA N E LE M E N TARY S CH O OL McClellan Elementary West Jefferson Hills Building Brighter Futures