IN West Jefferson Hills Fall 2016 | Page 51

O n behalf of all of us at Jefferson Elementary School, we would first like to welcome our incoming Kindergarten students and their families. The over 100 students that will grace our Kindergarten classrooms this school year will represent a portion of the WJHSD class of 2029! We are extremely confident that you will find our school warm, welcoming, and committed to meeting each and every one of your child’s needs. We are looking forward to developing and maintaining a collaborative partnership over the next several years in order to truly maximize your son/daughter’s growth, development, and achievement. As we enthusiastically ushered in the start of the 2016-2017 school year, our students, staff, and faculty were welcomed to new, innovative resources that have expanded our school’s library to include an outdoor learning environment (Reading Rocks) and multimedia lounge (Google Chrome Lounge.) Both areas will provide us the opportunity to extend the “traditional” physical barriers of our school library and redefine this resource while continuing to promote and foster a passion for literacy, innovation, and student engagement. In regards to the outdoor learning environment, we were fortunate to make a connection to our district’s current high school project (located across the street from Jefferson Elementary School) by utilizing the large stones that have been excavated from the building site for student seating and non-traditional learning stations which surround a grant-funded circular patio. Additionally, the entire area, which takes the shape of a jaguar paw, is enclosed with beautiful trees and contains an abundance of outdoor educational materials and resources. This environment will also be utilized by educators throughout the building to engage our students in meaningful, and aligned, educational activities that support and enrich our curricula. Finally, various “green initiatives”, such as the installation of solar panels to create alternatives to running electricity and the planting/maintenance of several gardens will be explored to assist in developing a culture of environmental responsibility within our school and community. Inside the building, the existing adjoining computer lab area, currently separated by a moveable partition, has been completely redefined and transformed into a technologically-rich multimedia Google Chrome “Lounge”, equipped with numerous Google Chrome Books, non-traditional seating units, collaborative work stations/areas, and interactive-media-presentation equipment. We welcome you to our new “library” at Jefferson Elementary School; a fully immersive learning environment where Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, and Math (STREAM) come together to increase student achievement while providing our students the resources that they deserve. West Jefferson Hills | Fall 2016 | 49 W E ST J E FFE RSON HI L L S SC HOOL DI ST RIC T NE WS – J E FFE RS O N E LE M E N TA RY S CH O OL Collaboratively Written By: Christopher M. Very, Proud Principal of JES, and Jessica Short, 3rd Grade Teacher/Principal Intern West Jefferson Hills JES Evolves With Our Students