IN West Jefferson Hills Fall 2016 | Page 42

N I F A N CE C OR N E R DIRECTOR OF FINANCE REPORT INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY MRS. TRACY A. HARRIS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE THE WEST JEFFERSON HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 2016-2017 BUDGET T he West Jefferson Hills School District Board of School Directors approved the 20162017 General Fund Budget that reflects a millage rate of 19.628. The District raised the millage rate to the Act 1 index of 3.1% or .59 mills. The increase of the .59 mills will yield an approximate $805,900 for the District’s plan of constructing the new Thomas Jefferson High School. For a property owner, this will equate to an additional $59.00 of real estate taxes on a property with an assessed value of $100,000. WE ST J E FFE RSO N H IL L S SC HO O L DI ST RIC T N E WS est Jefferson Hills Budgetary discussions and financial decisions for the District continue to reflect our fiscal responsibility. When comparing millage rates to other school districts located in Allegheny County, West Jefferson Hills School District currently ranks 19th out of 42 districts. The millage rates for school districts within Allegheny County range from 16.6067 mills to 32.63 mills. The financial commitment of the District to the community has included the hiring of teachers to replace those who have retired and refinancing older, higher interest rate bond issues. The savings, represented by these hires and refinancing, have enabled the District to continue to invest substantial dollars into our education programs, enhancement of curriculum, updating textbooks for core subjects in grades kindergarten through twelve, and upgrading technology. We also continue to safeguard our educational facilities, maintaining their security, cleanliness, and efficiency. We will continue to provide our students with one of the best educational opportunities in Western Pennsylvania. As shown in the corresponding chart, District Revenues total $47,675,279. Local Revenues total $33,731,450, which represents 70.75% of the District’s total budget. State Revenues total $13,591,663, which represents only 28.51% of the District’s total budget. District expenditures have increased 6.91% from 2015-2016 to $47,675,279 in 20162017. Salaries and Benefits represent 66.8% of the District expenditure budget and Debt Service represents 11.68% of the District expenditure budget. The projected Unreserved/Undesignated Fund Balance for the West Jefferson Hills School District is $3,576,130 or 7.5% of budgeted expenditures. The projected Reserved/ Designated Fund Balance (Designated Future Expenditures) for the West Jefferson Hills School District is $26,465,000. These Fund Balances have positioned the School District to move forward with a healthy financial condition and to plan for future needs. 40 West Jefferson Hills