IN West Jefferson Hills Fall 2016 | Page 41

T he West Jefferson Hills School District continuously strives to provide its students with the best education each and every day by hiring the best faculty and staff. However, there are days when our permanent faculty and staff are absent. So, what can the district do on these days to ensure learning continues? The easy answer to this question is to find a substitute. The challenge is ensuring the district provides knowledgeable, qualified individuals who can continue instruction in the absence of a faculty or staff member. This is especially important when one realizes that a student will spend approximately one full year of their K-12 educational career learning from a substitute teacher ( – Substitute Teaching Division, 2016). While many challenges to addressing this need are outside the district’s control, such as a significant decline in the number of people seeking teaching certifications (PDE, 2016), there are areas where the district can take steps to address this need. Throughout the coming school year, the district plans to increase and support our substitutes by: • Exploring alternative means for increasing the number of substitutes available to our schools • Providing training sessions • Increasing communications that inform substitutes about happenings in the district and informational topics • Gathering feedback from substitutes to ensure a positive employment experience Substitutes are essential to our students’ learning and the operation of our district. The mission of the West Jefferson Hills School District states, the district’s focus is to provide “a challenging, innovative educational program guided by an exceptional staff.” The district does not limit this expectation to our permanent employees, but expects this of all who interact with our students. If you are interested in becoming one of our exceptional staff members, please visit Employment.aspx to apply for our various substitute openings or call 412.655.8450 for more information. All applications for employment must be completed online through the district website. West Jefferson Hills | Fall 2016 | 39 W E ST J E FFE RSON HI L L S SC HOOL DI ST RIC T NE WS DR. LINDSAY PFISTER, DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES West Jefferson Hills The Importance of Substitutes