IN West Allegheny Winter 2016 | Page 8

WHAT’S NEWS IN WEST ALLEGHENY BSA TROOP 248 EARNED SEVERAL AWARDS AT HERITAGE RESERVATION AND SOME SCOUTS WERE ELECTED ORDER OF THE ARROW Troop 248 participated in the annual weeklong summer camp from July 10-17 at Heritage Reservation near Farmington, Pa. The H H troop won second place in the Iron Chef Dutch oven cook-off. The troop also earned the Baden Powell Honor Unit Award, six Green Bar Bill Honor Patrol awards, and 23 honor camper awards as well as 23 camp service awards. There were three National BSA Outdoor Challenge Awards received. Michael Starkman, Jaxon Pottle, and Eric Diffendal earned the 3-mile Swim award, while the overall troop earned a total of 133 completed and partial Merit Badges. Alex Kot and Ethan Cooper were elected into the Order of the Arrow. They will be doing their Ordeal later this year. Also, Eric Diffendal, Nathan Mavrich, Hayden Shipley, and Patrick Gannon completed their Brotherhood for the Order of the Arrow, along with eight members earning the new Order of the Arrow lodge camp service award. 248 Nicole Bozeman OAKDALE WOMAN CROWNED MS. ELITE GLOBAL EARTH USA Nicole Bozeman of Oakdale was crowned Ms. Elite Global Earth USA in Fort Worth, Texas, on September 4. Bozeman won several prizes and entry into the Elite Global Earth International Pageant that will take place aboard the Carnival Cruise Line ship Elation. She swept the following categories: Interview, Fitness, Fun Fashion, and Evening Gown. Bozeman will represent the U.S., competing against women from all over the world. As Ms. Elite Global Earth USA, Bozeman will be promoting the 6 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | West Allegheny sisterhood of pageantry, awareness for special causes and the preservation of our Mother Earth. This includes representing the organization’s national and international sponsored charities as an Ambassador for the Live Out Loud Organization and Prevention Awareness In Neighborhoods. Bozeman will also be assisting in raising funds and promoting the Elite Global Earth Princess Program that is built for Big Sister/Little Sister mentorship for self-esteem building and suicide awareness. Young ladies across the world ages 9-15 will have a chance of being an Ambassador Princess with crown and sash, with proceeds being donated to sponsored charities. 89TH EAGLE SCOUT FOR TROOP 248 Troop 248 is proud to announce their 89th Eagle Scout. On July 26, Lochlann (Lake) Gilbert completed his Eagle Scout Board of Review. Lake logged over 400 hours of community service of trail maintenance along the Panhandle Trail in the Oakdale area for his service project. Lake is a member of the West Allegheny Marching Band, West Allegheny Stage Band, West Allegheny Chorus and a member of the West Allegheny Marine ROTC Program. The rank of Eagle Scout is the highest honor a youth scout can earn. Less than 2 percent of all male youth are ever able to earn the rank of Eagle Scout.