IN Upper St. Clair Winter 2016 | Page 28

INEVENTS WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ADDS SOME SPARKLE FOR THOSE IN NEED BY HOSTING SHIMMERING SOIREE A splendid evening of food, fundraising and friendship was hosted by the Deacons of Westminster Church at The SHIMmering Soiree at St. Clair Country Club on Old Washington Road. Proceeds from the event went toward South Hills Interfaith Movement (SHIM), located in Bethel Park. Serving more than 4,000 people in the South Hills area with food, clothing and employment assistance, SHIM was founded 50 years ago by a priest, a rabbi and a minister. Its mission is to empower struggling families to achieve selfsufficiency. PHOTOS AND TEXT BY KATHY RUDOLPH 26 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | Upper St. Clair