IN Upper St. Clair Winter 2016 | Page 27





According to language experts , six-month-old babies babble using 70 different sounds that make up all of the languages of the world . Children are not preprogrammed with the language ( s ) of their parents ; they learn the language of their environments . For example , the child of parents who consistently speak multiple languages in everyday conversations will naturally speak both languages .

Learning a second language is not as challenging for a young child as you may think . Teaching a one-year-old the word “ red ” and the Spanish version , “ rojo ,” is similar to teaching the words “ stone ” and “ rock .” There is nothing confusing about this for a young child .
The key to teaching your child a second language is to immerse him or her in the language . Your child ’ s teacher probably does this throughout the day by labeling and referencing items and actions in the classroom in different languages . You can work with your child ’ s teacher by referencing these labels and incorporating the language into your child ’ s play at home . With your participation , the immersion is complete .
Remember , there are many forms of communication . Introducing young children to second languages such as Spanish , French and sign language encourages brain development in areas that would typically fall dormant . ( Sign language can also demonstrate an infant ’ s listening vocabulary and fine motor development .)
Second languages celebrate cultural diversity and help to create an understanding of the written word . A second language can open doors and unleash curiosities of the world .
Whether your child is an infant or a preschooler , immersing him or her in a second language is the key to success . If the language is new to you as well , label your surroundings so the words are readily available . Following are some age-appropriate activities to help you incorporate a second language into your child ’ s daily routine .
Infant to One Year
• Sign as you say words .
• Sign in one-syllable words ( e . g ., more , Mom , Dad , ball ).
• Gently move your child ’ s hands to make a sign .
• Play music from around the world .
First Steps ( 12 to 18 months )
• Add to signing vocabulary ; use signs with verbal cues .
• Say both the English word and the second language word for an object .
• Practice the second language while playing ball ( e . g ., as you roll the ball to your child , say , “ Here comes the red ball , pelota roja .”).
• Use the second language words interchangeably in your own speech .
• Name body parts , animals and colors in the second language .
Toddler and Get Set ( 18 to 36 months )
• Repeat everyday words in all languages .
• Link words together .
• Prompt your child to attempt new words .
• While playing a game , such as “ Memory ,” recite words in both languages .
• Begin to use common words in the second language without repeating in your native tongue .
• Listen to music in other languages .
Preschool to Pre-Kindergarten ( 36 months +)
• Use your everyday experiences for language opportunities ( e . g ., sign the food item you want your child to find at the grocery store ).
• Sing songs in other languages .
• If your family has two native languages in your household , speak one language at home and the other outside of the home to practice proper language use .
• Watch your child ’ s favorite movie in another language . Many DVDs now offer language choices .
• Visit cultural fairs , food markets and restaurants of other cultures .
Only the best preschools offer special enrichment programs at no extra cost , as part of the standard tuition . Enrichment programs — including a second / third language , yoga , dance , and music appreciation , for example — develop the whole child by encouraging his / her innate curiosity and imagination .
This Industry Insight was written by Bob & Lori Santo .
Bob & Lori Santo are the owners of The Goddard School ®, located at 825 East McMurray Road in Peters Township and 655 Painters Run Road , Upper St . Clair , 412.564.3600 . Goddard offers both full- and part-time infant / preschool / kindergarten programs . For more information , visit www . goddardschools . com or call 724.941.6464 .
Upper St . Clair | Winter 2016 | icmags . com 25