in arizona
MAy 31-June 6, 2014 • Friendly Pines, Prescott, AZ
650 – Financial aid is available - click on “asthma”
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Hello Zona Readers!
e hope that you are enjoying your 2014 as much as we are.
Some of you are parents, grandparents, some have kids, some
don’t and you all continue to read our publication month after
month. Thank you.
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner we are showering our
publication with love. Count the hearts throughout the
publication and email us at [email protected] with
how many you find by Feb 14th. The first person with the
closest match will win a special prize! Spread the word,
spread the love and remember, be kind to one another.
in the
arizona’s premier, week-long, residential
summer camp for children ages 7-14 with
moderate to severe asthma.
Licensed medical professionals monitor the children’s
healthcare needs round-the-clock while children enjoy
the traditional activities of summer camp like archery,
fishing and canoeing. Asthma education is integrated
with recreational camp activities, empowering children
to understand and avoid their asthma triggers, recognize
warning signals of an oncoming episode, properly use their
medications, and exercise control over their disease.
where good kids can be famous too!
President & publisher
Heidi Koffman • [email protected]
Licensed, Bonded & Insured • ROC# K42-234021
Editor, Content Director & Contributing photographer
Anna Sirianni • [email protected]
More than 20,000
tweens and teens
have been impacted
by the Workshops
Our organization takes a proactive and
preventative approach to working with preteens
and teens by addressing potential issues before
they become escalated problems. As one of
our taglines states; our workshops “prepare,
prevent and mentor” youth as they deal with the
inevitable challenges of adolescence.
Prevent. Prepare. Mentor.
5 Years
Celebrating 3
For program information, upcoming events
and 35 year ann