in the footsteps of Milan Rastislav Štefánik MR STEFANIK | Page 7

He usually stopped interested in overcoming all obstacles. With his inventions, he wanted to improve everyday human life and make it easier. He acted in accordance with his opinion on science. Science should not be for science but for people. It was supposed to be the driving force of progress, and it was supposed to spread the light among the people. Although he wanted to participate and ultimately participated in human progress.


He became famous as a scientist in France.

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Najúspešnejší rok pre M.R. Štefánika bol rok 1906, kedy publikoval sedem vedeckých papierov. Celkovo M.R. Štefánik urobil väčšinu svojich vynálezov a vylepšení v oblasti vedy - astronómie. Medzi najdôležitejšie vynálezy patrí zlepšenie spektroheliografu a heliometra.

vzdialeností na oblohe. Spektroheliografe M.R.Š. spolupracoval s Gastonom Millochauom. M.R. Štefánik urobil niekoľko vylepšení astronomických zariadení. Väčšina vynálezov Štefánika zostala iba v teoretickej rovine a v praxi sa nerealizovala.