outh Fayette continues to support
Autism Awareness Month. Staff and students
purchased t-shirts that were designed by Nicole
Simon and the Library Club at the high school for the
District to participate in a unique global event, Light It
Up Blue Day, that kicked off Autism Awareness Month
on April 2, 2019.
April 2nd has been declared as World Autism
Awareness Day, which is when Autism Speaks celebrates
its international Light It Up Blue campaign. Thousands
of iconic landmarks, communities, businesses, and
homes across the globe unite by shining bright blue lights in honor of the millions of
individuals and families around the world affected by autism.
South Fayette students and staff were encouraged to wear their t-shirts or wear
blue on Light It Up Blue Day and every Tuesday throughout the month of April. Over
$4,000 has been raised through t-shirt sales alone. All proceeds from the t-shirt sales
will go to the Autism Speaks Pittsburgh Chapter.
We are committed to celebrate and honor children and adults with autism and
hope to raise funds to benefit the local autism community. Our District’s support
of the campaign can help shine a bright light on the growing number of autism
diagnoses, which affects 1 in 59 American children and approximately 70 million
people across the globe.