Reports to Police: Please call 9-1-1 for all reports to the Police Department.
All dispatches must be through the 9-1-1 system.
Chief Bryan B. Kelly
On Thursday, February 14, 2019, Bryan B. Kelly, Chief of Police
for the Township of Shaler, was sworn in as the 54th President of
the Allegheny County Chiefs of Police Association. Established in
1967, the Allegheny County Chiefs of Police Association is a non-
profit organization dedicated to improving law enforcement in
Allegheny County. The goals of this Association include:
• Promoting and fostering a close working relationship among our
members and between law enforcement and the public.
• Planning for the education and training of police officers.
• Encouraging social, patriotic, and fraternal activities in order to
promote civic and cultural betterment of the communities which
we serve.
• Aiding in creating and maintaining standards for efficient law
• Advancing and developing effective means for the detection and
prevention of crime.
• Advocating uniform legislation for police officers.
Chief Kelly is very proud to lead the Allegheny County Chiefs of
Police Association and is grateful for the support of the Township
Left to right, Judge Daniel Konieczka, Chief Bryan B. Kelly,
District Attorney Stephen Zappala
of Shaler Board of Commissioners, Township Manager Timothy
Rogers, Assistant Manager Judith Kording, the officers of the Shaler
Township Police Department, and most importantly his family.
Please join us in congratulating our Chief, Bryan B. Kelly.
The National Child Passenger Certification Training Program certifies
people as child passenger safety technicians and instructors.
Since the program began in 1997, more than 126,000 people have
completed training and been certified as child passenger safety
(CPS) technicians. They come from hospitals, police departments, fire
departments, health departments, and traffic safety advocates like
AAA. Many technicians are parents, many are volunteers, but they all
have one thing in common: They care deeply about kids and want to
make sure they’re safe.
Child Passenger Safety (CPS)
The Shaler Township Police Department is pleased to announce
that two of our police officers recently completed the training
and are now certified as Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPS).
Congratulations to Officers Joshua Logan and Ronald Redman for
their accomplishment.
School Crossing Guard Opening
The Township is seeking part-time substitute school crossing guards.
Hours vary by assignment but are 2-4 hours per day. You must be
able to obtain all child clearances as required by the Commonwealth
CPS technicians and instructors put their knowledge to work by
conducting child safety seat checks, where parents and caregivers
receive hands-on assistance with proper use of child restraint
systems and safety belts.
Officers Logan and Redman are available to assist in installing
child safety seats by making an appointment. Please call the police
department administrative phone number 412-492-2222 or
email [email protected].
of Pennsylvania. If you are interested in applying, please visit and look under the “How Do I” tab for employment